The New England Conference of Diocesan Directors of Religious Education (NECDDRE) invites you to the Summer Institute and Retreat - Passport to Success - to be held June 25-27, 2010 at the Immaculate Conception Spiritual Renewal Center in Putnam, CT.
Passport to Success is a four-part journey for training and enrichment of parish catechetical leaders.
Part I - Preparing for the Journey - is designed for new or nearly new parish catechetical leaders. It allows participants to identify their gifts and leadership qualities and clarify the nature and scope of their parish responsibilities plus an opportunity to increase skill and knowledge in the areas of management/administration, communication/relationships, curriculum implementation and recruiting/training catechists.
Part II - Embarking on the Journey - has as its focus building on the foundation of Part I or its equivalent. Topics incluce Call to Discipleship, Role of the Catechetical Leader in Prayer and Worship, and Role of the Catechetical Leader in Evangelization.
Part III - Ports of Call - is open to anyone involved in parish ministry. The focus is based on the topics in The Effective DRE: A Skill Series from NCCL/Loyola Press. The topics offered in June include Understanding Catechesis, Catechizing for a Just World, Building Community and Maintaining Professional Balance.
Part IV - Extending your Journey - is open to parish ministers or persons who seek to enrich their faith. Part IV is based on Catholic Basics: A Pastoral Ministry Series. Topics covered at the June session include Mary and the Saints, Ecumenism, Sacramental Theology and Ecclesiology.
There are also evening events open to all participants.
For more details or to register, go to http://www.necddre.org/ or contact Pat Keck or Olive Greene at ogreene2@optonline.net.