The New England Conference of Diocesan Directors of Religious Education invites you to join us for the biennieal New Englad Adult Faith Formation Syposium 2010, scheduled for August 11-12 at the Doubletree Hotel in Westborough, Massachusetts.
The theme of the Symposium is "New Technologies, New Relationships: Connecting with Young Adults. We Will discuss what is important to young adults, how technology can bea useful resource in your parish and how we can use technology effectively in lifelong faith formation.
The speakers include Mike Hayes, co-founder of Bustedhalo.com and the author of Googling God: The Religious Landscape of People in their 20's and 30's; Tim Welch, consultant for Educational Technology at Catholic Education ministries, Diocese of Saint Cloud, MN and author of Technology Tools for Your Ministry; Sr. Janet Schaeffler, a national consultant, author and VLCFF online faculty membor and columnist for Catechist Magazine; Fr. David Frederici, a priest from the Diocese of Fall River and chaplain to CARIAS, a student organization at Cape Cod Community College; and Richard Drabik from the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives at the University of Dayton and the develper of the Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation.
Registration fees are $135 before July 19 or $150 after July 19.
For more information or to download the registration form/brochure, go to http://www.necddre.org/.