The Office of Religious Education and the Center for Ministry Development are hosting a workshop for parish leaders - Connecting Catholic Families with the Bible. This 2010 National Workshop Series will explore effective strategies and practices for involving families in the religious education process.
The most important element in the success of any parish or school formation program is what happens in the home.
The workshop is scheduled for Saturday, November 20, 2010, 8:30 am-3:00 pm at the Archdiocesan Center at St. Thomas Seminary.
Leif Kehrwald will be the presenter. He is the Project coordinator for Family and Intergenerational Services at the Center for Ministry Development, now located in Gig Harbor, Washington (formerly in Naugatuck, CT).
The intended audience includes parish leaders who work with families: pastors, priests, deacons, DREs, Pastoral Associates, Youth Ministers, RCIA and Sacramental Prep Coordinators, Coordinators and team members of Generation of Faith parishes and coordinators of Whole Community Catechesis.
The registration fee for the Archdiocese of Hartford leaders, employees, parishioners is $10 each. For guests from outside the Archdiocese, the fee is $25 each. The fee includes workshop materials, lunch and refreshments.
To register, go to http://www.orehartford.org/.