Religious Education Congress - 2009
Join us on Saturday, November 7, 2009 at St. Paul Catholic High School for our annual Religious Education Congress.
The event is open to catechetical leaders - DREs/CREs, Catechists, RCIA Coordinators, Coordinators of Youth Ministry, Coordinators of Adult Faith Formation - and anyone interested in the catechetical ministry.
Registration is from 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. We begin with opening prayer and proceed to our keynote address from Dr. Adele Gonzalez, noted national speaker. She will speak about how the Living Word of God among us can help us in or call to be light to the world and signs of God's love and forgiveness even as we face today's crises. Archbishop Henry J. Mansell will then celebrate the Eucharistic Liturgy.
After lunch, there will be two rounds of workshops - topics include: Servant Leadership in the Classroom, How to Foster in Children a Lifelong Devotion to the Bible, Passing On Our Faith From Generation to Generation, Christian Moral Formation in a Complex World, Spirituality of the Young Child, Service Hours: Penance or Privilege?, Tools to Live Our Faith in a Globalized World, Ministerity to the Minister, and an update on the Child Lures Prevention Program. Workshops in Spanish are also available.
For more information or to register, go to our website - www.orehartford.org/congress09/htm.