Cycle 1 for the University of Dayton's on-line VLCFF (Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation) is scheduled for January 23rd - February 26th, 2011. Register now!!!
Excellent courses - all online - and inexpensive. The Archdiocese of Hartford has partnered with the University of Dayton, reducing the cost from $90 to $40 per course (+ books). The courses are designed for parish catechetical leaders, youth ministers, volunteer catechists, RCIA coordinators and all adults who wish to learn more about their faith. There are 35 courses scheduled for Cycle 1. Included are courses in Church History, Ecclesiology, Catechesis, Liturgy, Morality, Scripture, Prayer, Sacraments, Spirituality, Catholic Social Teaching, Faith and Human Development, and many, many more.
For more information or to register: http://vlc.udayton.edu/.