The National Association for Lay Ministry, The National Conference for Catechetical Leadership and Ave Maria Press are hosting a free webinar. The topic is "Applying the Bishops' High School Curriculum to Parish Programs."
Incorporating catechesis in a successful parish religious education or youth ministry program for high school teens is at once a challenging and exciting endeavor. The challenge is to present essential content. The excitement is the ability to do so in a way that is flexible and diverse while incorporating elements like sacramental catechesis, spirituality, retreats, prayer and works of charity. The USCCB's Adaptation of a Curriculum Framework offers an outline of catechetical topics. This session explores ways to incorporate those topics into parish programs based on a trimester model that allows for comprehensive and flexible coverage to serve the varied and demanding schedules of both teens and adults.
Michael Amodei, Executive Editor of Adolescent Catechesis at Ave Maria Press, will be the presenter.
To register, go to: http://www.avemariapress.com/ and click on Professional Development Webinar Series.